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$90,000 fine for underpaying trolley collectors

A contractor "knowingly involved" in underpaying vulnerable supermarket trolley collectors and a subcontractor who "deliberately" produced false payment records and underpaid employees have been fined more than $90,000 by the Federal Court.

$53,000 penalty for CFMEU's "conspicuous" civil disobedience

A court has today fined the CFMEU's construction and general division and three organisers more than $50,000 for their "conspicuous public display of civil disobedience" when they orchestrated an unlawful walk out at a $105 million development project in support of a sacked delegate.

Intern policy biased against overseas-trained medico: Tribunal

The ACT Government must pay an overseas-trained doctor $40,000 compensation and consider him "on his merits" for an internship in one of its hospitals after a court found it racially discriminated against him by favouring ANU graduates.

Refusing to engage former organiser was adverse action: Court

A project delivery and maintenance contractor took adverse action against a former union official when it refused to employ him at a major project site because of his background as a unionist and concerns over his former "adversarial" views on the project, the Federal Court has found.

Record fine against 7-Eleven store

Convenience store chain 7-Eleven claims it has handed over almost $700,000 to 21 underpaid employees since it moved its rectification process in-house, coinciding with the FWO securing its largest penalty against one of the company's franchisees for conduct such as repaying employees then demanding they hand the money back.

FWO warns against hiding behind corporate veil

The director of a security company that knowingly and deliberately underpaid eight casual security guards by more than $20,000 over a three month period must personally repay the employees after what the FWO is hailing as a "precedent-setting" Federal Circuit Court ruling.

$300,000 payout after misleading inducements to take job

A senior insurance executive lost more than $300,000 when she took up a general manager's position with a competitor at a lower base salary on the basis of a misleading and deceptive inducement that a profit-share arrangement would boost her future earnings, the Federal Court has found.