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Contempt for underpayment claim attracts $240K fine

In a case highlighting the dangers of failing to engage with underpayments cases, an employer who did not respond to a claim it short-changed a teenage worker by $8000 must now pay him an additional $240,000 in penalties.

"Dysfunctional" union fined $445K for reporting breaches

The CEPU has been fined $445,000 for historic reporting breaches, a Federal Court judge observing that the penalty would have been higher had the union not moved to clean up its act by employing a compliance officer.

Court fines AWU for adverse action against members

The Federal Court has today ordered the AWU to pay an $18,000 penalty for pressing charges under its rules against two members who refused to support industrial action against Orica.

Rotary penalised for "striking at heart" of workplace laws

Rotary International's "egregious" dismissal of a Sydney-based manager who initiated an adverse action claim has earned it a $50,000 fine from a judge who singled out the organisation's US-based No.2 for her role in a breach that "struck at the heart" of Australian workplace laws.

Big fines flow from first anti-picketing ruling

A court's imposition of $200,000 in fines on the CFMMEU for unlawful pickets that might have caused "some very small loss of productivity" underlines the heavy sanctions construction unions face for such actions under the legislation that re-established the ABCC after the 2016 double dissolution election.

Bench shaves $48K off CFMMEU penalties over double dip

In a significant ruling on how Fair Work Act breaches are to be assessed, a Federal Court full bench has invoked double jeopardy principles to strip $48,000 off penalties awarded against the CFMMEU and one of its organisers.

MUA back where it began as fined $38K for unlawful strike

A Federal Court judge has for the second time rejected FWO arguments that the CFMMEU's maritime division should not benefit from the Fair Work Act's single course of conduct mechanism in determining penalties for an unlawful strike.

Seek immunity for complicit workers in future: Court to FWO

FWO celebrations over winning almost $400,000 in penalties against a travel company and its director for cash-back arrangements have been tempered by a court's observation that it might have been wise to secure immunity for the two visa-seeking workers concerned before initiating litigation.