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439 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Penalties

Jetstar denied me advancement due to race: Pilot

A Jetstar pilot who is suing his employer and parent company Qantas for discrimination has accused the budget airline of assessing him as not proficient, denying him the same opportunities as others and ending his ability to work in Australia because of his race.

Not all underpaid visa holders "vulnerable": Judge

A judge has ordered more than $200,000 in compensation and penalties against two underpaying former company directors at the same time as roundly rejecting FWO attempts to characterise the dental technician involved as a "vulnerable" visa-holder.

Employers push back on wage theft criminalisation

Australia's two largest employer groups have rejected the Morrison Government's in-principle commitment to introduce criminal offences for the worst cases of underpayment.

Hefty penalty for KKR-backed company that forged payslips

A company "motivated by malice" when it forged documents to cut the leave balance of a chief operating officer it perceived as "a thorn in its side" has been ordered to pay $250,000 in penalties and unpaid entitlements.

CFMMEU conducts "sting" of its own as director fined $43,000

The CFMMEU has taken a leaf from the ABCC's playbook by invoking the High Court's 'personal payments order' decision in arguing penalties levied against an underpaying, bankrupt former director of a liquidated company should discourage such practices from being considered as "simply the cost of doing business".

Personal payment orders mount up for Victorian CFMMEU officials

A Federal Court judge has again pointed his finger at Victorian CFMMEU secretary John Setka's leadership in issuing a personal payment order against one of his long-serving officials for blockading a worksite to pressure a builder into negotiating an agreement with the union.

Court penalises MUA for "sympathy strike"

The Federal Court has today imposed $36,000 in fines for a "sympathy strike" last year by MUA members at Patrick Stevedores' Port Botany container terminal.

IR class action funders to face costs security orders

A Federal Court judge has foreshadowed today that he will order a litigation funder to provide security for the potential costs of two IR class actions, while observing that such a move is unlikely to have a "stultifying" effect on the proceedings.

Twist on "cash back" scam alleged by FWO

The FWO is prosecuting the operators of a Sydney restaurant for allegedly underpaying a skilled worker on a SubClass 457 visa by more than $150,000 while they maintained "overall control" of his bank account.