Court and tribunal decisions page 347 of 378

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$10,000 in damages for morning sickness discrimination

A Telstra sales consultant who has been awarded $10,000 in damages for being discriminated against while pregnant will be challenging the merits of the original ruling in the Victorian Supreme Court.

"Outbursts" by worker end hopes of contesting dismissal

A postal worker who engaged in "frightening and foul mouthed outbursts", including telling co-workers he would bring a samurai sword to work to attack colleagues rather than a gun, was unlikely to succeed with his unfair dismissal claim, the FWC has found.

$900,000 indemnity costs order against academic

A former university academic who unsuccessfully claimed she had been sexually harassed by two colleagues has been ordered to pay a $900,000 indemnity costs bill after the Federal Court found she rejected a "generous" settlement offer despite legal advice that she was unlikely to succeed.

"Bullying" was reasonable management action, says FWC

The Fair Work Commission has rejected a long-serving employee's bullying claim, after accepting that her employer took reasonable management action when it performance-managed her after she resisted changes to workplace practices.

Court orders visa-breaching employer to pay $100,000 in restitution

Five weeks after ordering Darwin-based Choong Enterprises to pay the largest-ever court-imposed fine for breaching 457 visa sponsorship obligations, the Federal Court has directed the company to backpay seven of the Filipino workers involved a total of more than $100,000.

FWC flushes away employer's trust and confidence qualms

The FWC has reinstated a portable toilet delivery driver sacked for a safety breach, after rejecting his employer's claims that he shouldn't be returned to the job because it no longer had trust and confidence in him.

Employer cleared to "punish" worker who defied order

An employee dismissed for misconduct might now face imprisonment and penalties for contempt after failing to comply with a court order to repay more than $25,000 to his former employer.