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FWC to hear Patrick bid to end protected action

The FWC will this week hear an application by stevedore Patrick to terminate the MUA's protected action at its four container ports, while IR Minister Christian Porter has confirmed he will intervene in support of the company.

Truce on waterfront after union ends industrial action

DP World is set to withdraw its bid to terminate the MUA's industrial action at its Port Botany container terminal, after the union gave an 11th-hour undertaking to halt bans and stoppages until the end of October.

Updated: Porter to intervene in waterfront case

IR Minister Christian Porter has confirmed today that he will intervene in support of DP World Australia's application to terminate the MUA's protected industrial action at Port Botany.

Updated: DP World seeks urgent halt to industrial action

The FWC will on Saturday hear an application by DP World to terminate industrial action at its Port Botany container terminal, with the stevedore claiming that new bans on performing work by operating equipment at the "slowest possible safe speed" will effectively create a "permanent go-slow".

Wrong to deduct pay after safety stoppage: FWC

The FWC has held that DP World was not entitled to deduct pay from Port Botany workers who refused to work on a ship due to safety concerns, while finding it should provide half pay to those stood down after it received prohibition notices.

MUA rejects wharf chaos fears

International shipowners and shipping lines have warned governments around the country that protected industrial action by the MUA targeting individual ships could halt the flow of vital goods and threaten businesses and jobs in the logistics sector.

Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Union officials to pay fines despite ABCC's "hyperbolic" argument

The ABCC has enjoyed another mixed result in its campaign to bring the CFMMEU to heel, a Federal Court judge agreeing to impose personal payment orders against three officials involved in picketing a building site but rejecting argument that the union's past record should necessarily attract maximum penalties.