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MUA and Hutchison in talks over midnight sackings

Hutchison and the MUA are today discussing a resolution of the ongoing dispute over the late night sacking of 97 Port Botany and Brisbane stevedoring workers via email and text message.

Court orders Hutchison to stay dismissals

The Federal Court has this evening granted an interlocutory order sought by the MUA to stop stevedore Hutchison Ports from proceeding with plans to dismiss almost 100 employees at its Sydney and Brisbane container terminals.

Hutchison's consultation inadequate, MUA claims

The MUA told an interlocutory hearing in Brisbane today that stevedore Hutchison should reinstate 97 workers from its Port Botany and Brisbane container terminals, because the company had breached its agreement when it engaged in tokenistic rather than substantive consultation with its workforce.

Esso locks out Bass Strait workers

Esso Australia has locked out 200 maintenance workers at its Bass Strait oil and gas operations, in response to rolling stoppages by AMWU and ETU members.

AWU took adverse action against oil company: Court

The AWU faces a substantial damages bill after the Federal Court ruled today that the union took adverse action against Esso Australia when its members undertook unprotected industrial action in March, including using the action to coerce Esso into changing its bargaining position.

Boral wins access to CFMEU documents as damages case looms

Victoria's Supreme Court has compelled the CFMEU to give Boral access to documents, including transcripts of interviews by competition watchdog the ACCC, to assist with its multimillion dollar damages claim for the union's bans on its concrete supplies, which will be heard next month.

Gorgon facing prospect of industrial action

The Fair Work Commission has approved a protected action ballot at the Gorgon LNG project's biggest contractor, CB&I, raising the possibility of protected strikes as the already delayed project nears completion.

FWO pursuing individual crew members over tanker strike

The Fair Work Ombudsman is seeking individual penalties against seven seafarers who took unlawful industrial action last year when they refused for 10 days to weigh anchor for their last journey before being made redundant.

FWC to hear urgent MUA bid to overturn Alexander Spirit order

An FWC full bench will tomorrow hear an MUA challenge to the s418 order issued this week to halt an oil tanker crew’s protests against shipping company Teekay Shipping (Australia) replacing them with foreign workers.