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NSW interest-based bargaining regime starts after law change

While major changes to the NSW IR Act that usher in mutual gains bargaining and scrap the State Government's power to cap wages are now in effect, parts of the legislation that re-establish the Industrial Court are yet to be proclaimed.

Criticism of harassment costs legislation "unfounded": ACTU

The Human Rights Commission and the Law Council have voiced major concerns to a Senate inquiry into a Bill designed to protect workers who bring sexual harassment claims from costs orders in most circumstances, but the ACTU says criticisms are "unfounded".

More laws, bigger workload, no worries: FWC president

A performance statement by FWC president Adam Hatcher has hailed the tribunal's "successful implementation" of workplace law changes wrought by the Secure Jobs Act, which contributed to a 13% rise in the Commission's workload in the second half of last year.

Shield wharves from protracted disputes: DP World

DP World has told a Senate hearing into the remaining Loopholes measures that the stevedoring industry should be shielded from protracted bargaining conflicts, warning that multi-employer bargaining could cripple ports.

FWC timetables delegates' rights changes

Interested parties have until next Thursday to comment on a draft timetable to deliver on the Closing Loopholes legislative requirement that, from June 30, all awards contain a term setting out expanded rights for workplace union delegates.

Slimmed-down Loopholes Bill passes Senate

The Senate has today passed a substantial part of the Albanese Government's Closing Loopholes Bill after agreeing to a deal with key crossbench senators Jacqui Lambie and David Pocock.

FWC research to identify gender-based undervaluation in 12 awards

The FWC has today launched the next stage of its gender pay equity research, in which it will examine a dozen awards covering highly-feminised sectors to uncover indicators of gender-based undervaluation of minimum rates, ahead of the 2023-24 annual wage review.

Van the man to secure Closing Loopholes legislation?

Controversial former Victorian Liberal Senator David Van has put himself forward to negotiate changes to the Closing Loopholes legislation when it comes up for debate in the Senate early next year.

Bill axes public sector pay cap, sees in "mutual gains" bargaining

The Minns Labor Government has introduced IR changes that "remove the power to cap wages for good" and replace it with a "mutual gains bargaining" system, while also boosting the NSW IRC's powers and restoring it as an integrated court and tribunal.