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Chevron IBD case before FWC president next week

As Chevron workers prepare to start industrial action this afternoon and the FWC continues week-long talks to resolve the underlying bargaining dispute for its Wheatstone downstream and Gorgon facilities, the tribunal's president will conduct a preliminary hearing next week of the company's bid for an intractable bargaining declaration for its Wheatstone platform.

Sham deal might be tip of iceberg: Bench

The FWC will probe potential "wider-scale abuse" of agreement-making under the Fair Work Act after quashing the approval of a Chevron contractor's labour hire deal made with six "employees" in a sham process "entirely lacking in authenticity and moral authority".

Firefighters say IBD case to test whether agreed terms can be "undone"

The UFU's Victorian branch says the FWC should issue a groundbreaking intractable bargaining declaration to overcome stalled enterprise agreement negotiations with Fire Services Victoria, but it should not allow a post-declaration bargaining period to "undo and revisit" terms that have already been agreed.

No option for second post-PABO mandatory conference: FWC

A FWC member has issued the "strongest recommendation" for AMWU members at an Ampol refinery to cease industrial action and vote up a new deal, after expressing her view that she lacked the power to convene a second post-PABO compulsory conciliation conference.

Deal might have fallen foul of new genuine deal provisions: FWC

A major meat processor that told workers a proposed deal would boost their pay while reducing the rates for future recruits has failed to win approval after the FWC found some fresh starters could in fact earn far more while others would experience a "repugnant" reduction, while the umpire also suggested if the new genuine agreement principles applied, it might not comply.

"Remarkable" endorsement of Apple deal leaves axe on a limb

RAFFWU's bid to terminate Apple's 2014 retail agreement has taken a major hit, with the tech giant's Australian workforce voting overwhelmingly in favour of a new deal and the FWC cancelling a three-day hearing while it considers whether to approve it.

Bench refuses to put zombie deal on life support

An employer touting the "happy work-life balance" and above-award earning opportunities facilitated by its zombie deal has failed to save it from December's drop dead date after a FWC full bench found its incentives are "discretionary" and not incorporated into the agreement.

IEU warns against employer body's "irrelevant" multi-deal position

The IEU's WA branch has hit back at an employer group's submissions in its Catholic schools single interest multi-employer test case, warning against elevating the status of "irrelevant" views and declaring its construction of the legislation could create a "peculiar result".

Voting on related company's deal a "fundamental" error: FWC

The FWC has declined to approve an agreement made by a group of workers from a related company ahead of them being transferred across to the entity that was to be covered by the deal, rejecting the employer's contention that it was a minor procedural or technical error.

"Technicality" kills latest BHP in-house labour hire deal

BHP has abandoned its latest pursuit of an agreement for maintenance workers at its in-house labour hire arm after conceding it failed to properly explain how a proposed "regional hub model" would operate.