Awards/agreements page 19 of 143

1423 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Union seeks underpayment fix after FWC refuses to change deal

The NTEU is calling on Monash University to rectify $9 million in alleged underpayments to casual teachers after the FWC rejected a bid to retrospectively vary its agreement, while its vice chancellor and soon-to-be Victorian Governor says that without a "grand bargain" their payment systems will remain an "unproductive source of contestation".

Tug deal gets up despite last-minute MUA volte-face

Svitzer Australia workers have voted up a new national towage deal despite the MUA urging members to reject it in a late about-turn prompted by concerns that a union-proposed clause might let the company "outsource at any time" following consultation.

Workers back Bunnings deal

Bunnings workers have voted up a long-awaited deal that introduces an extra week of annual leave, trials a four-day working week and scraps a contentious "bank of hours" rostering system, but RAFFWU claims it undercuts award minimums and is "simply not approvable in its current format".

Childcare early starter for new supported deal regime

Three unions have today lodged a landmark application for supported multi-employer bargaining in the early childhood education and care sector, with 65 employers joining the application that covers more than 12,000 workers nationally.

Bench plants foot down on bid to vary agriculture award

A FWC full bench has rejected a farmworker's bid to scrap casual overtime award rates she claims prompted an employer to sideline her during a peak harvest period because she reached the maximum ordinary hours.

RAT request did not use "mandatory" language: FWC

The FWC has rejected a union bid to bill an aged care provider 15 minutes' overtime for workers required to have rapid antigen tests before each shift, but held that the employer "could and should have done more" to clarify its position.

Employers "playing catch-up" ahead of Secure Jobs changes: Ai Group

Many employers are still scrambling to work out what the next raft of Secure Jobs changes will mean for them when they take effect next Tuesday and fear being "caught by surprise", according to the Ai Group, while the FWC has added a series of videos to its information packages on the amendments.

FWC bench seeks to highlight new workplace dispute "avenues"

Interested parties have until June 16 to respond to a FWC bench's proposal to amend model award terms to highlight the two "alternative and parallel avenues" now available to resolve disputes over flexible work and unpaid parental leave requests.

Worker's pursuit of travel time pay hits FWC roadblock

A road crew member's pursuit of payment for travel time between his accommodation and remote sites has produced a clear list of winners and losers, after the FWC confirmed the employer's view that whoever is behind the wheel on the way 'home' is working while their co-worker passengers are not.

Academic's 'cancel culture' win on hold

A Sydney University lecturer sacked for superimposing a swastika on a posted image of an Israeli flag has nominally won his job back, pending the result of the institution's appeal against a finding that his 2019 dismissal breached its agreement's intellectual freedom clause.