Awards/agreements page 56 of 143

1423 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Nursing union seeking agreed position on aged care wages

The FWC will hold a directions hearing on Friday into an ANMF bid to add the nursing award to an aged care work value case and win more time to negotiate an agreed position with the Morrison Government and employers, as urged by the Aged Care Royal Commission.

"Approve pay cut or lose your job" not coercion: FWC

A large catering contractor did not coerce its workers when it warned them they would lose their jobs and forgo severance if they failed to approve a pay cut for new employees, the FWC has found.

Union by-pass hiccup for NSW MBA

The NSW MBA's campaign to build a beachhead of non-union agreements is in jeopardy, with the FWC rejecting two deals it found had not been genuinely agreed.

High Court timetables Personnel Contracting, Ridd cases

The High Court is likely to hear the Personnel Contracting/ZG Operations and Ridd cases in the second half of the year, after setting timetables for submissions to be completed by early June.

BHP could not conceal awkward purpose of meeting: FWC

A BHP worker accused of failing to cooperate with COVID-19 temperature screening should have been told before a meeting that it wanted to question him separately over a colleague's alleged misconduct, but the FWC says the employer did not need to reveal the investigation involved his support person.

Bench to hear opposing views on expediting flexibility proposal

The FWC will this morning deal with objections to the fast-tracking of a joint union and Master Grocers Australia flexible hours award variation for part-time retail workers, and calls to join the bid with a "far more meritorious" ABI and NSW Business Chamber proposal.

FWC makes termination call on Telstra's zombie AWAs

The Fair Work Commission has declared a provisional view that it will agree to Telstra's request to terminate thousands of so-called "zombie" statutory individual agreements from the Work Choices era.