Awards/agreements page 56 of 142

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Bench to hear opposing views on expediting flexibility proposal

The FWC will this morning deal with objections to the fast-tracking of a joint union and Master Grocers Australia flexible hours award variation for part-time retail workers, and calls to join the bid with a "far more meritorious" ABI and NSW Business Chamber proposal.

FWC makes termination call on Telstra's zombie AWAs

The Fair Work Commission has declared a provisional view that it will agree to Telstra's request to terminate thousands of so-called "zombie" statutory individual agreements from the Work Choices era.

Franchisor told franchisee it could pay flat rates: Court

Two franchisee directors of a Chatime bubble tea store have had most of their underpayment penalties suspended after a court accepted they acted on their franchisor's advice that they could pay age-based flat rates.

Not our place to decide whether police transfers fair: FWC

The FWC has expressed sympathy for four police officers facing transfers after they belatedly learned their time in a specialist s-x offenders unit would be capped, but has ruled it lacks power to arbitrate the matter.

"Forensic" decision on evidence sinks MSD bid: Bench

A FWC full bench has thrown out the AWU's pursuit of a majority support determination for a new agreement covering the Ichthys LNG project after finding the union provided "limited" evidence to show that workers met the threshold of being geographically and organisationally distinct.

"Glaring holes" in joint proposal to tackle casualisation: RAFFWU

RAFFWU expects to oppose a "disastrous" joint union and Master Grocers Australia proposal to let part-time retail workers put in more hours without earning overtime, but the ACTU says it will help them lock in increased hours while combating surging casualisation.

Detailed robo-clause in new DP World deals

DP World will notify the MUA of automation plans nine months before implementation and pay an additional 15 weeks severance for related redundancies, under new agreements that crossed their final hurdle last week when Melbourne dock workers voted in favour.

FWC's arbitral powers maintained under inherited deal: Full court

In a significant, if split, decision on the FWC's jurisdictional ambit, a majority full Federal Court has ruled that the tribunal would not be invalidly exercising judicial power if it arbitrated a dispute under an agreement an employer inherited after winning a Defence Department tender.

Order halts protected action at robo-terminal

Highly-automated stevedore Victoria International Container Terminal won an interim anti-industrial-action order late last week that halted an escalating MUA campaign that included a 36-hour protected strike due to begin on Sunday morning.