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FWC gig power confined to platform workers: Burke

The Albanese Government's legislation to empower the FWC to set minimum standards for "employee-like" gig economy workers will apply only to work performed through digital labour platforms, Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke will reveal in a speech to the National Press Club tomorrow.

FSU wins $3 million for CommBank's tea break "fiasco"

The FSU says Commonwealth Bank retail workers forced to work through their 10-minute tea breaks for the past six years will be compensated, after it won a $3 million settlement of its $45 million Federal Court claim.

Rentokil workers reinstated after FWC finds bug in process

In a decision highlighting the importance of clear policies and adequate investigations, the FWC has ordered Rentokil to reinstate three sales workers summarily sacked for sharing their commissions after finding it a longstanding practice.

Watchdog prosecutes Woolies for LSL breaches

Wage Inspectorate Victoria has filed more than 1,000 criminal charges against Woolworths Group Limited and a subsidiary, alleging they failed to pay more than $1 million in long service leave to 1,235 former employees.

More than $1 billion backpaid in past two years: FWO

Large corporates and universities accounted for almost two-thirds of the $509 million in unpaid wages and entitlements recovered by the FWO in 2022-23 on behalf of more than 250,000 workers, the workplace watchdog revealed today.

Sacked train driver acted in self-defence: FWC

The FWC has reinstated a train driver sacked for kicking and grappling with a stranger on a station concourse while on his way to work, after finding the employer failed to properly weigh his right to defend himself from attack.

Franchisor Bakers Delight liable for underpayments: FWO

The FWO is prosecuting franchisor Bakers Delight for failing to prevent its franchisees from underpaying workers, after the head office discovered the wage theft and failed to address it.

"Invidious choice" under new harassment laws: Expert

Workers s-xually harassed before the Secure Jobs, Better Pay changes came into effect in March will have to choose whether to omit complaints for conduct that occurred before that time to use the new provisions, or "make a potentially less advantageous application" using the old provisions, according to an employment law expert.