Inspectors and inspectorates page 16 of 28

278 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Inspectors and inspectorates

Majority scraps penalty imposed after Hutchison strike

A full Federal Court majority has today rejected a judge's reasoning for ordering the MUA to pay a fine of just $38,000 for a week-long unlawful strike at Hutchison Ports' Sydney and Brisbane container terminals, but has rebuffed the FWO's contention that the stevedore should have been awarded $600,000 in damages it didn't seek.

AWU claims turnaround, but ROC losing patience

The AWU claims to have arrested its membership losses, with a new back-office system recording a "modest" increase in numbers, but the ROC is growing impatient, accusing the union of lacking urgency and transparency in rectifying its reporting after it first raised issues about inaccurate data more than two-and-a-half years ago.

IR compliance eats into Domino's' profits

The Australian operations of Domino's Pizza Enterprises have been hit with almost $11 million in costs that include a "nationwide industrial relations review", after scrutiny in recent years from the Fair Work Ombudsman.

VTHC's four-day fix for personal payment order

An online campaign backed by the Victorian Trades Hall Council says it has raised $44,000 to pay a personal fine levied against CFMMEU official Joe Myles, while the ABCC has confirmed it started nine investigations into workers who walked off the job to attend the ACTU's "change the rules" rallies last year.

No interest in Shorten's links to donations: Cash

Former Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has told the Federal Court that it was "not of interest" to her that alleged union donations she referred to the Registered Organisations Commission involved the Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten.