Case law page 137 of 145

1448 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

Employer fails to prove "frustration" of employment contract

The Fair Work Commission has given a school religious education coordinator the green light to proceed with his unfair dismissal claim after his employer failed to establish that his employment ceased via the doctrine of frustration.

LinkedOff: OHS manager sacked over abusive emails

The Fair Work Commission has refused to reverse the dismissal of an OHS manager who used his employment-related LinkedIn account to send abusive personal emails, directed "expletive rich" language at his manager and declined to participate in a performance plan.

Bench spikes challenge from sacked Qantas pilot

A FWC full bench has rejected a sacked Qantas pilot's argument that spiking of his drink meant he couldn't be held responsible for s-xually assaulting a female flight crew member during a stopover in Chile.

FWC "less than impressed" by employer's law firm

A senior FWC member has found that "extraordinary" circumstances justified the tribunal accepting a sacked employee's late unfair dismissal claim, while urging the employer to settle to avoid "further criticism and embarrassment for its conduct" and panning its law firm's role in the case.

Look to Kiwi solution for good faith in employment: Riley

Australia could consider adopting a Kiwi-style statutory good faith obligation after the High Court's finding that there is no implied duty of mutual trust and confidence in employment contracts, according to a senior law academic.