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297 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

"Gay-branded" worker gains access to comparator's texts

A vehicle technician who claims he was subjected to discrimination when called "gay" and a "wog" in the workplace has won access to text messages sent to a proposed comparator to help him build his case.

All half-pay maternity leave doesn't count towards service: Court

The AFP did not discriminate against a police officer seeking to have 32 weeks of half-pay maternity leave count towards her service, the Federal Court finding the relevant agreement's intention was only to cover full-pay periods.

Court orders aggravated damages for s-xual harassment

A law firm's principal solicitor must pay $170,000 in damages after subjecting a paralegal to months of s-xual harassment that included a "bombardment" of inappropriate emails, coerced hugs and veiled threats that her employment depended on them starting a relationship.

Sacked for political views, claims One Nation candidate

A One Nation candidate is suing over alleged adverse action based on her political views after she was sacked by a renewable energy company over campaign material said to conflict with its interests and for taking unauthorised days off in the lead-up to the Federal election.

Lawyer's discrimination claim undermined by "inflammatory tone"

A lawyer accused of bullying has failed to convince the Federal Court that it should stop a law firm from potentially expelling her as a partner because it treated her less favourably than male colleagues, the court holding that conduct that included an "inflammatory" letter following the complaints set her circumstances apart.

Tribunal backs sacking after male-on-male harassment

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a 63-year-old male employee who sent text messages calling a 37-year-old male colleague his "bitch" and "toy boy" and threatened to "molest" him and squeeze his testicles until it made him cry.

Volunteer a "worker" in anti-bullying regime: Bench

An FWC full bench has given a mental health service volunteer another shot at applying for anti-bullying orders after quashing a finding that, because he was participating in a government-funded program to improve his wellbeing, he was not a "worker" according to the federal WHS Act.

$1.5m payout for political activities discrimination

Former Queensland assistant health minister Dr Chris Davis has won more than $1.4 million in compensation after a tribunal held that a health service's discriminatory decision to deny him a job because of his political activities and beliefs forced him into early retirement.