Sex/ gender discrimination page 17 of 21

210 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sex/ gender discrimination

Gender pay gap closing, no thanks to some: WGEA

The gender pay gap has dropped from 24.7% to 21.3% over the past five years but many companies are still harbouring an "action gap", with policies in place but no accountability for implementing them, says the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

FWC tick for union affirmative action push

Unions are continuing to embrace affirmative action measures to increase women's participation and ensure leadership reflects membership, the FWC this week approving ASU rule changes requiring a woman to hold at least one of three new leadership positions.

Low wages causing early-childhood teacher shortage: Union

On the second of 16 days of FWC hearings into an IEU equal pay claim for early childhood teachers, the union is blaming low wages for a skill shortage in the overwhelmingly female-dominated sector, while the ACTU says the case will test whether the Fair Work Act's equal pay principle can deliver.

Green light for Laundy to hose down fire deal

The FWC has given Workplace Minister Craig Laundy the go-ahead to put his case that the MFB agreement should be rejected because it contains discriminatory and objectionable terms and fails the BOOT.

Robo-debate missing the mark for women: Academics

Academics say a national debate about automation and the future of work is failing to address issues of significance to young women, such as their desire for long, meaningful careers in which they are respected and can count on support while balancing work and family commitments.

Social media post had sufficient nexus with workplace: FWC

In an important ruling on out-of-hours conduct, the FWC has found that an employer didn't need to receive a complaint before investigating then sacking a worker for sharing a p--nographic video via social media with friends who included 19 male and female work colleagues.