Sex/ gender discrimination page 9 of 21

210 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sex/ gender discrimination

$1m damages claim over suggestive Sydney Water poster

A Sydney Water employee whose image was used in a suggestive OHS poster has been cleared to pursue more than $1 million in damages after the FWC ruled that a series of failures in her employer's response forced her to resign.

Lessons for all employers in ambulance service report, says VEOHRC

The head of Victoria's Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission has urged all employers to heed the insights gained from the agency's year-long review of the State's ambulance service, which confirmed a workplace culture of "everyday" disrespect and sexism and recommends establishing an internal 'equality and reform' team.

Court reverses suppression of sexual harassment case

A court has lifted an interim suppression order protecting details of a sex discrimination case after an accused supervisor failed to convince it that media coverage made it so hard for him to focus on the matter that it outweighed the need for open justice.

Further Respect@Work changes unlikely before election: Opposition

The Attorney-General's Department will open a consultation process in December on six of the outstanding recommendations in Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark Respect@Work report, but the Opposition says the timeline leaves no room for legislation ahead of the federal election, expected by May.

"Kafkaesque" pregnancy case proceeds after delay excused

A recruitment company's former operations manager, who is claiming $20,000 for the hurt and humiliation flowing from her alleged discriminatory sacking due to her pregnancy, has won more time to pursue her claim, while her employer has failed in its bid for costs against her "neophyte" lawyer, after a court accepted that there had been "a comedy of errors" that fell well short of representative error.

FWC opens consultations on anti-harassment regime

The FWC has today launched a consultation process for its new anti-s-xual-harassment jurisdiction, which starts operating from November 11, while it has also published a benchbook on the regime.

I wouldn't be facing sack if female: Manager

A Viva Energy manager who claims a female colleague sexually harassed him after he took her back to his hotel room while she was intoxicated is accusing his employer of discriminating against him, as it would not consider sacking him if he was a woman.

Sacked after workload complaint, claims manager

In an adverse action claim accusing labour hire company Chandler Macleod and its chief executive of discrimination based on gender, age and/or s-xual orientation, the former executive GM of its contract cleaning arm alleges she was sacked for complaining about a workload issue.

Respect Bill passes both houses

The Morrison Government's Respect@Work legislation has now passed both houses of parliament, after the House of Representatives early this afternoon backed the legislation, as amended by the Senate yesterday.