Misconduct page 21 of 61

610 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

Workers' comp "joke" no basis for sacking: Tribunal

The FWC has lambasted an employer over the "unconscionable" sacking of a casual who said he was just joking about making a workers' compensation claim after a COVID-19 related standdown, ordering compensation equal to 24 weeks of JobKeeper.

Sams slams law graduate in full-throated FWC sign-off

A retiring presidential FWC member has used his final ruling to deliver a withering character assessment of a law graduate and question the benefit of GPs providing mental health appraisals in cases alleging bullying.

Misconduct sacking bins $70,000 sick leave payout

A veteran garbo has lost his right to a $70,000 accrued personal leave payout after the NSW IRC upheld his sacking for riding on the back of a garbage truck, finding he held a cavalier attitude and lacked insight, despite expressions of regret.

Worker "put the knife" into HR manager: Tribunal

The FWC has rejected a long-serving worker's portrayal of herself as a "victim" of powerful HR forces, finding her displeasure at being asked to account for money raised for a deceased colleague's family led her into serious misconduct.

Worker should have raised concerns with HR, investigator: FWC

In throwing out a constructive dismissal claim, the FWC has rejected a former Westpac employee's allegation that a "complicit" bank executive undermined the legitimacy of an investigation that exposed "kickbacks" she received for referring customers to an external broker.

FWC lacks power to reinstate unwanted on-hire worker: Bench

In a significant decision on FWC powers, a full bench has found the tribunal could not force a labour hire company to reinstate a worker to his former job at client Carlton United Breweries, given the beer giant was contractually entitled to order his removal.

Tribunal finds fault with major builder's HR processes

The FWC has upbraided construction company Hansen Yuncken for its "callous" and unfair sacking of a "naïve" trainee who nonetheless provided it with a valid reason by insisting on indefinite unpaid leave to avoid lengthy public transport commutes during COVID-19.

Union sued for $900K over alleged age bias, bullying

A former HSU NSW branch organiser is suing the union for more than $900,000 in an adverse action case in which she claims to have been sacked because of her age and bullying complaints against her manager.