Misconduct page 23 of 61

610 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

NTEU bemoans "cancel culture" as court upholds academic's sacking

The NTEU is seeking to strengthen academic freedom clauses to protect university staff from "cancel culture" after a court found no legally enforceable right in measures relied on by sacked Sydney University lecturer Tim Anderson.

Anti-vax worker might have refused lawful direction: FWC

A senior FWC member has found it arguable a childcare worker unreasonably refused a lawful direction when she declined a mandatory flu vaccination, in a decision rejecting her bid for a one-day extension of time for her unfair dismissal claim.

Delegates' fracas had tenuous workplace connection: FWC

The FWC has ordered Toll Transport to reinstate one of two TWU delegates who fought each other after a union meeting, finding their punch-up over yard deals while on paid delegates leave did not have a sufficient connection to their work.

Big employer fell short of its investigation standards: FWC

An ASX-listed company failed to meet its own standards for investigating alleged misconduct when it neglected to interview two key witnesses and relied upon a manager's inaccurate account of a worker's response to accusations, the FWC has found.

Employer's "tin ear" over remote worker's COVID-19 pressures

In a decision highlighting the challenges of managing remote workers during a pandemic, the FWC has awarded compensation to a salesperson dismissed after a director took exception to her attitude during a teleconference and drew negative conclusions about her productivity after scrutinising her Instagram posts.

Tribunal reverses safety sacking

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a mine under-manager with an impeccable 40-year work record but docked $55,000 from his pay for misconduct that resulted in a colleague straining his leg.

Credit card misuse behind CEO's sacking, claims HR consultancy

A HR consultancy claims in its defence of accusations it employed security guards to keep out its chief executive and sacked her because she sought a bully-free workplace that the dismissal was solely brought about by her misuse of a corporate credit card.

"If only her solicitor had been as diligent": Bench

An FWC bench has on the basis of representative error allowed a late unfair dismissal application after noting how thoroughly the employee pursued her claim, remarking "if only her solicitor had been as diligent".