Remedy page 39 of 46

458 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Sacking a wee bit too harsh, says Commission

A garbage truck driver sacked for urinating in a CBD laneway during his shift has won his job back after the Fair Work Commission found he paid too high a price for his misconduct.

Prison officer who assaulted inmates wins job back

The NSW IRC has ordered the reinstatement from today of a decorated senior prison officer it dismissed for assaulting three inmates while suffering from a mental illness, but he will be denied backpay due to his misconduct.

Compensation discounted by $1100 after abusive text; & more

Compensation discounted for sending abusive texts; "Chronic" mental health issues don't warrant extension of time; IT consultant not an independent contractor, says FWC; and Airport trips not private travel.

Howard-backed postal worker wins compensation for summary dismissal

A postal worker who was backed by then shadow IR minister John Howard in postal union elections 20 years ago has today won compensation after the FWC ruled that Australia Post made a single "glaring error" when it summarily dismissed him.