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Patrick bargaining resumes after FWC brokers truce

Major stevedore Patrick has withdrawn its application to terminate industrial action at its container terminals after the MUA agreed that no further action would be notified before December 10.

IBM exec's redundancy challenge reveals $27K overpayment

A former IBM chief financial officer claiming she was underpaid $101,000 in redundancy entitlements based on transitional arrangements for "Telstra heritage employees" was in fact overpaid by $27,000, a court has held.

Hearing date set for BHP vax mandate challenge

The FWC will hear the CFMMEU's challenge to BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy later this month after deciding the matter is significant enough to invite IR Minister Michaelia Cash, the ACTU and peak employer bodies to intervene.

Research aids ACTU bid for paid FDV leave

The ACTU's bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave has been bolstered by new FWC-commissioned research indicating that a third of recent agreements have a paid entitlement and half of those deals provide at least the quantum the peak body is seeking.

Court full bench repels third-party suppression bid

A full Federal Court has knocked back a Transport for NSW bid to prevent disclosure of tender documents and other evidence in the RTBU's challenge to an FWC finding that a privatised Sydney bus service is a genuine new enterprise that can be covered by a greenfields agreement.

Patrick bid to quash deal "amounts to bullying": MUA

The MUA has accused Patrick of "bullying" after the stevedore yesterday applied to the FWC to terminate its nominally-expired union deal to break a 20-month bargaining deadlock amid a round of strikes at its container terminals in four states.

Union seeks to reverse BHP vax mandate

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has asked the FWC to halt the rollout of BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the Mt Arthur open cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley, claiming it is not a lawful and reasonable direction.

$65B fund not acting in good faith: FSU

The FSU is planning to apply for good faith bargaining orders against Cbus, alleging the major industry super fund is engaging in capricious and unfair conduct that includes pushing individual contracts for some employees.

Truckies' strike still on cards as TWU chases full deck

The TWU says it has reached in-principle agreements with four more big trucking and logistics companies as it continues campaigning against "Amazon-driven" outsourcing, while warning three remaining targets they face strikes this week.