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Deal back on chopping block as employer appeals shiftwork ruling

The FWC has decided to conclude a case with a "lengthy and complex" history, dismissing an employer's bid to further delay consideration of a union's application to terminate its nominally-expired deal while it challenges the tribunal's rejection of a new agreement to the Federal Court.

2.9% first year minimum rise in RBA deal

The RBA says it new enterprise deal complies with the public sector pay cap in the Federal Government's workplace bargaining policy, despite delivering a guaranteed pay rise of 2.9% in the first year and what is likely to be about 4% in the second year.

Qantas makes first COVID-19 wage freeze agreement

Qantas has struck enterprise agreements covering about 450 regional pilots at Sunstate and Eastern, the first to be negotiated since it announced a two-year wage freeze in May as part of its COVID-19 recovery plan.

Annual leave boost to five weeks in casino deal

The UWU has welcomed a new agreement that pays a 10% increase over three years to about 3000 Star Sydney casino workers and boosts annual leave to five weeks.

No sign of rise in bargained private sector wages: Report

Wage rises in private sector enterprise agreements remain marooned at 2.6%, while public sector increases have dropped back to recent trends, according to new Attorney-General's Department data that appears to confirm that the pandemic has accelerated the long-running decline in bargaining.

Cobwebbed deal axed despite worker fears

In a decision illustrating the delicate balancing act required of the FWC when considering axing old agreements, a recently-employed worker has succeeding in having a security company's 15-year-old deal scrapped over the loud objections of all but a few of his fellow employees.

Court heads off CFMMEU's subterranean turf bid

The CFMMEU has failed in an interlocutory court bid to enter tunnelling sites at Brisbane's $5 billion Cross River Rail Project, in the midst of a demarcation dispute with the AWU.

Near-10% over three years under post-lockout deal

The AMWU claims it has won wage increases of at least 9.8% over three years for workers at a McCain Foods potato processing plant in Tasmania, as it pushes to bring their rates into line with their mainland counterparts.