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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

"Possible acrimony" not enough to hide worker's identity: FWC

The FWC has rebuffed a worker's bid to remain anonymous in opposing an employer's application to terminate an agreement, finding their concerns of "possible acrimony" did not unseat the principles of open justice.

FWC releases "business needs" brake on reclassification

The FWC has ordered aerospace company Boeing to promptly deal with a tradesperson's reclassification bid, finding the company's repeated refusal to do so in breach of its enterprise agreement.

Kmart deal set to pass despite ballot flaws

Wesfarmers subsidiary Kmart wrongly permitted new recruits to vote for its latest agreement even though they were not engaged until after the access period, according to an FWC full bench that has nevertheless quashed an earlier rejection of the deal and invited submissions on an undertaking to provide choice of super fund.

Court makes crucial ruling on travel time

In a decision that could have employers re-thinking standard travel and hours terms in agreements, the Federal Court has found in favour of a CFMMEU-backed class action that argued workers should be paid for transit time between security gates and their worksite.

Casual teachers seek guaranteed daily work

Queensland Catholic school teachers are implementing work bans, their NSW counterparts have endorsed a novel measure to guarantee daily work for casuals and the employees of a Catholic school office are stopping work to fight for assurances on agreement coverage.

Deleting NERR's union references "herded" employees: FWC

A large employer's decision to excise union references from its representational rights notice has scuppered its proposed agreement, the FWC observing that employees were effectively being "herded" towards two colleagues who had negotiated the previous deal.

Employers seek broader application of life-of-project deals

Now that the Morrison Government has decided to extend the maximum terms of greenfields agreements for major projects, employers say the principle should apply more widely to non-greenfields agreements covering subcontractors on such jobs.

Bench rejects Minister's review of 'discriminatory' deal

An FWC full bench has rejected IR Minister Christian Porter's bid to review an already-approved agreement on the basis that it contains discriminatory terms, while it has allowed changes "entirely disposing" of any lingering ambiguities.

Undertakings might get MMS deal over line: FWC

In the latest stage of a long battle by power and mining unions against the approval of a "small cohort" non-union agreement for maintenance employees, the FWC has given Mechanical Maintenance Solutions Pty Ltd a chance to provide an undertaking to overcome its failure to ensure the deal was genuinely agreed.