Agreement approval requirements/processes page 11 of 41

408 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

"Forensic" decision on evidence sinks MSD bid: Bench

A FWC full bench has thrown out the AWU's pursuit of a majority support determination for a new agreement covering the Ichthys LNG project after finding the union provided "limited" evidence to show that workers met the threshold of being geographically and organisationally distinct.

Union's PABO application backfires

In a decision highlighting the difference between "genuinely trying to reach agreement" and "good faith bargaining", the FWC has rejected an HSU application for a protected action ballot order and found its own conduct wanting.

Employer secures unprecedented bargaining extension

The FWC has for the first time retrospectively extended a single interest employer bargaining authorisation, avoiding the need for a group of schools to obtain a ministerial declaration after 14 months of negotiations and a successful second ballot.

Porter abandons contentious BOOT change

The Morrison Government has agreed to drop proposed changes to Better Off Overall Test in the IR Omnibus Bill, which would have given the FWC a temporary power to approve substandard enterprise agreements for employers afflicted by the pandemic.

Junk onerous casual conversion process: Fast food giant

McDonald's, the sole corporation to make a submission to the Omnibus Bill inquiry, is calling for substantial amendments to casual conversion provisions and the BOOT, indicating the legislation's changes to the latter are insufficient to renew its interest in enterprise bargaining.

Bill "trashes" casual regime for small business: One Nation

Pauline Hanson's One Nation says the Morrison Government's Omnibus IR Bill is "sadly lacking" on a range of key measures, including proposed changes to casual employment and the Better Off Overall Test.

RBA predicts long wage pause; Analysis says Bill won't help

The RBA is warning that wage growth won't be "materially higher" for at least three years, while Centre for Future Work analysis suggests that the proposed Omnibus Bill provision permitting approval of BOOT-failing agreements will further hamper any recovery in pay rises.

Bench reopens way for union to pursue conspiracy theory

An FWC bench has stopped short of overturning the four-month-old approval of a deal but ordered the employer to produce documents previously sought by a union strenuously opposed to it.

High Court set to hear Lunt case

The High Court will next month hear robo-stevedore VICT's bid for a finding that MUA delegate Richard Lunt committed an abuse of process when he acted as the "front man" for the union's bid to overturn an enterprise agreement.

One-man deal doesn't add up: FWC

The FWC has expressed scepticism in refusing to approve an agreement made with only one employee, rejecting a later claim that the company's director would also be covered.