Agreement approval requirements/processes page 16 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

Qantas pilots vote up ultra long distance deal

Qantas long-haul pilots have voted 85% in favour of a new deal that will enable them to fly its Project Sunrise non-stop international routes, assuming the airline pushes ahead with its plan after dealing with the fallout from the coronavirus.

Hungry Jack's approach to deal tough to swallow: FWC

The FWC has lambasted Hungry Jack's for wasting the tribunal's time and resources, causing it to wrongly approve a national deal that was not filed or signed by the actual employer.

"Obvious financial detriment" sinks deal, says bench

An FWC full bench has quashed the approval of a Uniting Church agreement that the nurses' union said was "unworthy" of its secretary's signature after a claimed industrial gerrymander, finding an undertaking introduced "obvious financial detriment".

Bench quashes Gina's rail deal

An FWC full bench has quashed the approval of deal negotiated with two train drivers but set to cover an entire transferred workforce on the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network, finding a senior member failed to properly consider whether the employer took all reasonable steps to explain the effect of its terms.

FWC endorses pre-vote emailing of agreement documents

In a case confirming that emailing agreement and award documents and links to workers before they vote for a deal can meet pre-approval requirements, a senior FWC member has also outlined why he prefers to deal with non-party concerns early in the process.

Added NERR wording coloured agreement process: FWC

The FWC has rejected a massage therapists' deal on the basis that extra wording in a preamble and at the end of the representational rights notice might have affected employees' interpretation and detracted from key messages.

No 'go slow' on agreement approvals: FWC member

The FWC in endorsing a deal for the Super Retail Group and its 10,000 employees has published a detailed chronology to demonstrate that "there is no 'go slow' on agreement approvals".

"Arbitrary" coverage of high earners sinks deal

The FWC has rejected a coal mining deal that would have let a new Qube subsidiary "arbitrarily" determine coverage by excluding those paid above the high-income threshold.

Correct "power imbalance" in greenfields deals, urges Ai Group

Employers are urging the Morrison Government to let greenfields and non-greenfields deals span the full life of major projects, without requiring them to reflect prevailing industry conditions, while legal experts say project owners and developers should be able to make them.

Latest Aerocare deal fails BOOT as award reversion looms

The FWC has again thwarted major aviation services company Aerocare's long quest to replace its now-terminated 2012 agreement, finding that an updated 2018 deal still failed the BOOT despite attempts to allay split-shift concerns.