Agreement approval requirements/processes page 22 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

CEPU seeks to block multi-employer deals

The CEPU has launched a full-frontal attack on electrical contractors' efforts to secure a multi-enterprise agreement, claiming employers in other industries might use their actions as a "blueprint" to use the Fair Work Act to their advantage before the federal election.

Bench revives late deal; Coles' harassment sacking backed; and more

Employer denied natural justice over late agreement: Bench; FWC upholds Coles' harassment sacking; Victorian gig economy inquiry extends submission deadline; and half million dollar safety fine for Patrick over threats to workers.

RAFFWU seeks to reverse Woolies' deal, as Pizza Hut agreement binned

RAFFWU has not given up on its push for a $1 billion backpay claim for Woolworths workers, lodging an appeal this week against the retailer's new national agreement, while the FWC says a successful bid by rival retail union the SDA to axe 30 nominally expired Pizza Hut deals will have an "overwhelmingly positive" effect.

Deals sunk by HR team's "deficient" roadshows: FWC

The failure of a construction company's HR team to adequately explain two proposed "baseline agreements" or provide access to relevant awards has proven fatal to their approval, the FWC finding that other issues of non-compliance could have been dealt with by undertakings.

FWC bench installs signposts to speed deal approvals

An FWC full bench has issued guidance for the approval of enterprise agreements containing minor errors, finding that employers can give as little as four days' notice of voting and alter the text on template forms as long as workers are not disadvantaged.

Undertakings needed to correct MFB deal's "abhorrent" term

The FWC has rejected a contentious MFB agreement because of terms that hinder workers shifting to part-time employment and permit the United Firefighters Union to block flexible working arrangements, but it has left the door open for the deal's approval with undertakings.

Relax public sector bargaining rules: Bench

An FWC full bench has used a workplace determination to call on the federal government to relax public sector bargaining guidelines, at the same time as it questioned the legal standing of a major department's decision to "go harder" after workers voted down multiple proposed deals.

Award reviews axed, agreement wrinkles ironed out

The FWC will no longer be required to conduct four-yearly reviews of modern awards, while being given powers to approve enterprise agreements despite minor procedural or technical errors, under long-delayed legislation passed by the Federal Parliament last night.

Esso, AWU slog on towards new deal as termination threat hovers

Esso Australia and the AWU have resumed protracted negotiations over a new enterprise agreement covering offshore oil and gas workers in Bass Strait ahead of a February 4 hearing of the company's s225 application to terminate the existing deal.

Unfair procedure no automatic ticket to overturn rulings: Bench

An FWC full bench has upheld a decision that rejected a multinational drilling company's deal without first inviting it to respond to every concern, confirming that a denial of procedural fairness would not have guaranteed a new hearing anyway.