Agreement approval requirements/processes page 23 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

"Dismissive" employer response to FWC sabotages deal

A Christian aged care home's "dismissive" and "disingenuous" response to FWC queries has scuttled an agreement's approval, the Commission finding the employer failed to adequately explain the deal to its predominantly non-English speaking workforce.

Beware Skene undertakings, Ai Group tells employers

The Australian Industry Group is warning employers not to rush in to making agreement undertakings incorporating a recent key decision on casual leave until the Federal Court determines a challenge to the ruling's ambit.

Hearings set for not so "straightforward" bid to quash Woolies' deal

The FWC will set a week of hearings at the end of February to hear a RAFFWU bid to quash Woolworths' nominally-expired 2012 deal before a newly voted-up replacement is approved, with the retailer and the SDA saying they need time to consult the rest of the workforce.

Woolies deal faces delay as challenge to old agreement gathers steam

The FWC says RAFFWU's objections to a Woolworths deal it expects to be voted up next week will delay its approval by "many months", as the tribunal orders the retailer to produce wage comparison documents to inform the union's bid to terminate the 2012 agreement.

Coles BOOT fail made bargaining go down, down: Expert

The 2016 ruling that a new enterprise agreement covering Coles failed the Better Off Overall Test helped trigger a dramatic fall in enterprise bargaining, according to new research

"Future coverage" clause unlawful: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a deal after accepting CFMMEU submissions that it would have allowed workers to be covered by future agreements ahead of its nominal expiry date, but has stopped short of finding that the tribunal should have heard from the union at first instance.

Aldi deal challenges divide bench

An FWC full bench majority has refused to let the SDA amend appeals of two Aldi agreements to challenge the retailer's use of the word "leader" instead of "employer" in notices of representative rights, holding that the union must wait until the outcome of a judicial review on the same issue.

Union entitled to pick apart university "change proposal": Bench

An FWC full bench has thrown out a university's attempt to sideline the NTEU over potential redundancies, rejecting as "artificial" its distinction between representing staff in face-to-face meetings and challenging aspects of the proposal once it was circulated.

Referees brandish strike card

National Rugby League referees are pushing ahead with a protected action ballot in pursuit of a ground-breaking enterprise agreement and greater job security than offered under their current 12-month contracts.