Agreement approval requirements/processes page 38 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

Cash lifts public sector wage cap to 2%

The federal government is seeking to break a bargaining impasse in the federal public sector by increasing its wages cap to 2% a year.

Bench reserves on Coles Supermarkets appeal

An FWC full bench today reserved its decision on a challenge to the approval of the Coles/Bi-Lo supermarkets agreement, after hearing that up to 50,000 employees of could be financially disadvantaged under the deal, which covers more than 77,000 workers.

MUA loses coverage application for non "waterside" workers

The MUA is considering appealing a FWC ruling that blocked it from bargaining on behalf of a group of logistics employees involved in preparing containers for delivery to Broome Wharf because they didn't fit the description of "waterside worker".

ANZ seeks to end agreement for top-tier staff

The FWC has granted the ANZ Bank access to a document detailing how many members the FSU has in each classification of its enterprise agreement, with the bank now expected to seek to remove higher classifications from agreement and award coverage.

Bench rules bargaining notice invalid

A FWC full bench has rejected a prestigious private school's representational rights notice for being inconsistent with statutory content requirements, after dismissing its "dividing line" defence.

Employer seeking special leave to challenge "unauthorised" agreements

Agreements covering nurses at three Melbourne private hospitals allegedly made without employer consent are about to come back under the microscope, with the Kaizen Group next week seeking special leave to challenge in the High Court a finding that the FWC was entitled to approve them.

Review supporting material for agreement applications, says bench

An FWC full bench has highlighted the importance of scrutinising the "totality of material" lodged to support the approval of agreements, after it quashed a deal that was passed despite "inconsistent" declarations from a HR manager about compliance with mandatory pre-approval steps.

AWU took adverse action against oil company: Court

The AWU faces a substantial damages bill after the Federal Court ruled today that the union took adverse action against Esso Australia when its members undertook unprotected industrial action in March, including using the action to coerce Esso into changing its bargaining position.