Agreement approval requirements/processes page 41 of 41

408 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

FWC carpets advocate over "prevarication"

The Fair Work Commission has criticised an employer representative who filed a draft enterprise agreement for approval without sufficient evidence that it had been seen or approved by employees, saying her explanations about the deficiencies "could at best be described as prevarication".

Full bench delivers key bargaining notice ruling

A five-member full bench of the Fair Work Commission has ruled that employers can validly give extra information to employees at the same time as providing them with a bargaining representation notice, as long as it doesn't form part of the notice.

Undermining of collective bargaining not FWC's concern: Court

The Federal Court has held that the Fair Work Commission can't refuse to approve agreements because they would undermine collective bargaining, in the latest ruling on the John Holland deal covering just three workers.

Meat deal boned after bench finds approval errors

A Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that only employees who will immediately be covered by an enterprise agreement are entitled to vote on its approval, not employees who are likely to be covered in the future.