Case law page 140 of 144

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Mother of a mistake no justification for late application

Allowing a late unfair dismissal application because of representative error is less likely to occur where the agent is not professionally qualified, a Fair Work Commission appeal bench has ruled.

Direction to work extra hours ruled unlawful and unreasonable

A company's requirement for an employee to work additional unpaid hours and make himself available on-call was neither lawful nor reasonable, the Fair Work Commission has ruled in upholding his unfair dismissal claim.

Worker's insubordination grounds for dismissal: FWC

A fly-in, fly-out worker who made bullying and intimidation complaints but then refused to comply with his employer's instructions or grievance process has lost his unfair dismissal claim.

Law firm predicts industrial action, productivity, next on agenda

A new report from a major employment law firm predicts that the Senate will pass the Abbott Government's Fair Work Act and building industry amendments, suggests the next reforms will be limits on industrial action and productivity requirements for enterprise agreements, and highlights the lower than expected activity in the FWC's anti-bullying jurisdiction.

Qantas policy roll-out failure a factor in reinstatements

Two long-serving Qantas flight attendants who breached the airline's taxi card policy have won their jobs back this morning after the Fair Work Commission found there was no valid reason for their dismissals.

No "relief" without relief reasonable policy: FWC

An airport security firm's requirement that employees ring their leading hand and wait for a replacement before taking a toilet break is "entirely reasonable" and lawful, the Fair Work Commission has held, in rejecting a security officer's unfair dismissal claim.