Remedies for bargaining deadlocks page 17 of 20

197 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Remedies for bargaining deadlocks

Catholic employers and union re-commit to FWC's New Approaches program

The Queensland Catholic Education Commission and the IEU have agreed to continue negotiations for teaching and support staff agreements via the FWC's New Approaches interest-based dispute resolution process, after the employers last month withdrew from the process on the basis that it was "another delaying tactic".

Defence workers vote down agreement for second time

Department of Defence civilian employees have again rejected a proposed enterprise agreement, with almost 55% voting down an offer that included a 6% pay rise over three years.

Labor pledges to resolve public sector bargaining "mess"

The Opposition has hinted that a Shorten Labor Government would axe the Coalition Government's public sector bargaining policy and the 2% wage cap, while 30,000 Victorian public sector employees are set to receive a backdated pay rise after voting up a new agreement.

Patrick issues new lockout warning to MUA

Stevedore Patrick says it will put its "final offer" direct to workers at its four container terminals, while warning that an employee lockout is possible if the bargaining deadlock continues.

"National security" hearing proceeds behind closed doors

The Turnbull Government has pressed ahead with its application for a three-month ban on industrial action by border protection and immigration workers, which is being strongly opposed by the CPSU.

Strikes to resume at international airports

The CPSU will resume industrial action at international airports from tomorrow, after postponing plans for Easter strikes in response to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's request in the wake of last week's terror attacks in Brussels.

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.

Employer seeks agreement's termination to break deadlock

Power unions say that an application by a NSW Government-owned electricity distributor to terminate its enterprise agreement will led to immediate job losses and pay cuts for hundreds of workers.