Bargaining strategy page 23 of 25

244 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Bargaining strategy

ANZ makes "take it or leave it" offer

The ANZ bank has offered annual pay rises of between 3.75% to 5.25% over two years if employees accept a new enterprise agreement, while threatening to pay a single annual increase of between 3% to 4.5% if it is rejected.

MUA offshore members begin four-day walkout next week

The MUA has given notice of four consecutive 24-hour stoppages at the marine contractor Farstad from November 15, in the latest development in enterprise bargaining involving vessel operators servicing the offshore oil and gas sector.

Expect sub-CPI pay, says PM, as public servants vote on action

Department of Veterans' Affairs employees are set to vote on industrial action, as the federal public sector bargaining round remains deadlocked and the Prime Minister says it is "unlikely" any agency will pay more than the sub-inflation agreement for defence force personnel.