Industrial action page 26 of 42

414 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Industrial action

Peaceful assembly laws don't proscribe IR protests: Court

In the first test of whether Queensland's laws regulating peaceful assemblies can be used to block pickets and protests during industrial disputes, the state's Supreme Court has rejected mining company Glencore's argument that such activities can't be authorised.

Bench referral would cause "unnecessary delay" to teachers' deal: FWC

Catholic school employers have failed to convince the FWC to refer to a full bench its challenge to the right of NSW and ACT teachers to take protected action on the basis their dioceses are not "single interest employers" as required by the Fair Work Act.

High Court reserves decision on bargaining breaches

The High Court has reserved its decision on parallel appeals by Esso and the AWU questioning what constitutes a breach of bargaining orders and whether a breach during bargaining means future protected action is not possible.

Triple treat for ABCC as court increases fines

A full Federal Court has fined the CFMEU $300,000 and the CEPU $130,000 over a 2011 industrial campaign; penalties that are almost three times higher than originally sought by the construction watchdog.

TWU banned from industrial action with alleged "ulterior motive"

The FWC has temporarily restrained a union from taking industrial action after accepting it was not genuinely seeking an agreement when a delegate made the "somewhat unusual" suggestion that the company shift its workers to a labour supply or contracting arrangement managed by him.

Court deflates Scabby the Rat

An Esso contractor has today won a court order to ban unions from using their giant inflatable rat, known as Scabby, from a picket outside the oil giant's Longford processing plant in Gippsland.

Lockout over as workers vote up rejected deal

Workers at a Victorian timber mill have voted up an enterprise agreement they turned down last month, ending a bitter 10-week lockout the Victorian Government had been seeking to terminate.

FWC to hear lockout suspension application next week

The Fair Work Commission will next week hear the Andrews Government's bid to suspend a two-month lockout of about 200 workers by Carter Holt Harvey Wood Products in central Victoria.

Union claims bus drivers unaware free-ride action breached order

The RTBU says public bus drivers across Sydney who today wore mufti and refused to collect fares to protest privatisation plans were unaware of a NSW IRC order overnight demanding that it direct members not to engage in any form of industrial action.