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Kearney starts new job; McDonald's undertakings; and more

Kearney takes up ACTU role; Bench publishes McDonald's undertakings; FWA President extends time for submissions on Division 2B State awards; and FWA publishes final version of minimum wage transition paper.

Recruiter's "error" gave weight to unfair dismissal claim

A recruiter's error when offering a job to a candidate added weight to her claim of unfair dismissal, but ultimately didn't convince Fair Work Australia that the position had been misrepresented to her.

Westpac to pay super for 52 weeks of parental leave

Westpac group will pay 9% super contributions during up to 12 months of employees' parental leave, it announced today, while its first enterprise agreement in eight years is up for approval before FWA tomorrow.

Maritime offshore oil and gas deals start to flow

Bargaining between offshore oil and gas industry vessel operators and labour-hire providers and maritime unions is beginning to bear fruit, with employers last week lodging with FWA several agreements covering ships' officers.

Government introduces bill to extend sex discrimination protections

The Federal Government's amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act - introduced into Parliament yesterday - establish breastfeeding as a separate ground of discrimination and extend the existing protections from discrimination on family responsibility grounds.

Employers warned to prepare for the rise of online exhibitionism

The explosion in electronic and online "exhibitionism and voyeurism" raises complex recruitment, discipline and legal issues for employers, with risks arising even from something as simple as Googling a potential employee, a US expert has warned.

Full bench approves McDonald's agreement

A Fair Work Australia full bench late today approved the McDonald's Australia enterprise agreement, reversing a ruling by Commissioner Donna McKenna, who found it failed to meet pre-approval requirements and the no disadvantage test.