Courts page 71 of 93

930 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Unions take election laws challenge to High Court

NSW unions have launched a High Court challenge to new state electoral funding laws that they allege were crafted to criminalise the trade union movement's core operating method and silence working people's dissenting political voices.

Pickers to test vulnerable workers laws

Five migrant fruit pickers at the centre of a $10 million Federal Court claim against a labour hire company and its owners are seeking to be recognised as casuals, alleging their contracts for piecework were invalid and based average take home pay on an unrealistic workload.

Union, FWO tackle hairdressing's "cultural problem"

The AWU's Hair Stylists Australia has deployed its first paid organiser to tackle the "widespread cultural problem" of underpayments as the FWO pursues another hairdressing industry scalp on behalf of a teenage apprentice short-changed $14,500.

Qantas court decision "raises bar" on entry rights: Union

The Federal Court has upheld Qantas' right to refuse access to documents sought over a "leave burn" program for aircraft engineers, in a decision a union leader says raises the bar for entering workplaces to prove breaches.

Scrap dismissal compensation cap, "punish" errant employers: ACTU

Unions will next week consider pushing for stronger remedies for unfair dismissal by adopting measures such as removing the $73,000 compensation limit, enabling employees to pursue more than their lost income and empowering them to seek penalties against employers.

Barrister avoids costs as sacked HR manager slugged $71,000

A court has imposed a $71,000 costs order on an HR manager who took a "scattergun" approach to challenging her dismissal, but has stopped short of imposing a similar order on her high-profile Sydney barrister, despite criticising his role in the case.

Organiser visits must not stray outside work hours: Bench

In a significant decision on entry rights, a Federal Court full bench has confirmed today that a permit holder's right to hold discussions with union members or potential members during "breaks" does not include the period before and after their shifts.