Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 76 of 132

1313 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

"Big black b*stard" comment not a racial slur: FWC

A senior radio journalist sacked for referring to singer Michael Jackson's father as a "big, black b*stard" on air has been awarded more than $30,000 in compensation, after a senior FWC member found a recording of the exchange clearly showed it was not a racist slur.

Lawyers warned over "misconceived" work in whistleblower case

A Federal Court judge has warned both sides over the conduct of a long-running case in which two former CFMMEU organisers claim they were driven out of their jobs for whistleblowing in a media interview, going so far as to remind the parties he can stop lawyers charging for "misconceived" work.

Case to test employers' right to impose biometric bundy clocks

A full bench has allowed an employee to challenge his dismissal for refusing to use his employer's fingerprint scanning technology that monitored attendance and tracked shifts, finding the case raises "important, novel and emerging issues".

Court reconsiders "ordinary and customary turnover" escape clause

In a case clarifying when employers must make redundancy payments, the Federal Court has rejected claims by Spotless Services Australia Ltd that it was not obliged to pay severance to three Perth International Airport workers due to an exemption for ordinary and customary turnover of labour.

"Deplorable" HR approach worst I've seen: FWC member

A senior FWC member has held that an abusive "alt-right" employer unfairly sacked an apprentice for refusing to assist his pursuit of revenge against a former employee, describing the company managing director as having the most deplorable attitude to HR management she had ever encountered.