Awards/agreements page 79 of 141

1402 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

BHP Coal required unreasonable overtime: Court

The Federal Court has held that a BMA coal loading facility breached a reasonable overtime clause in its enterprise agreement by requiring workers to perform more than eight additional hours per week.

Employers jettison bid for "perma-flexi" workers

Employers will no longer pursue a new "perma-flexi" casuals classification as part of the FWC's four-yearly review, as they are confident that legal challenges or legislative change will avoid a requirement to provide additional entitlements to these workers.

Undertakings soar over genuine agreement hurdle: FWC

In a decision affirming the FWC's expanded ability to use undertakings to approve agreements, a controversial non-union power industry deal made with a handful of employees has been rubber-stamped despite concerns about how it was explained to those it covers.

FWC GM to scrutinise greenfields deal's stat decs

The FWC has referred its decision to terminate a nominally-expired greenfields agreement to general manager Bernadette O'Neill to consider whether its 2014 approval relied on inaccurate statutory declarations made by the employer's managing director and a CFMMEU State leader.

"Lost opportunity" to explain terms sinks labour hire deal

In a decision emphasising the "reasonable steps" employers must take in explaining proposed agreements to workers, the FWC has refused to approve a large labour hire company's deal after a "lost opportunity" to clarify its terms and its failure to present sufficient detail about information sessions.

"Possible acrimony" not enough to hide worker's identity: FWC

The FWC has rebuffed a worker's bid to remain anonymous in opposing an employer's application to terminate an agreement, finding their concerns of "possible acrimony" did not unseat the principles of open justice.

Consultant rejected passage to India: FWC

The FWC has found that a multinational employer did not dismiss a seconded consultant who has refused to return to his Indian base, ruling that permanent residency does not entitle him to continuing employment in Australia.

Sick McDonald's workers told to find own cover, claims union

RAFFWU is suing a McDonald's franchise that allegedly required workers to find a replacement if they took sick leave, told them they had to call in sick by 10pm the night before scheduled shifts and denied them proper breaks.