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Aviation unions seek leave to appeal Qantas JobKeeper ruling

Aviation unions will this month ask the High Court to hear an appeal against Qantas's use of JobKeeper payments, on the same day that the ABCC will seek leave to challenge a full Federal Court finding on the nature of "industrial activity".

Telstra moves to "location-agnostic" working

As Telstra continues to bring call centre jobs back onshore and responds to changing needs during the pandemic, it says a new flexible work policy will support "location agnostic" and "hybrid" practices that open up flexibility options for all employees.

FWC lands another jab for compulsory vaccinations

Employers operating in high-risk environments such as aged and child care have been given further confidence that they can force workers to immunise after the FWC today upheld the sacking of a long-serving care assistant who refused a compulsory flu shot on allergy grounds.

Merged union's first convention put on ice again

The United Workers' Union has overcome initial scepticism from the FWC to be permitted to further postpone its inaugural national convention because of COVID-19 uncertainties.

Government slots two new members into NSW IRC

The NSW IRC appears set to boost its full-time membership to six following the appointment of two new commissioners, one a former union official and the other currently heading up a poker machine lobby group.

Victorian Budget puts wage theft on "fast track"

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has allocated $9.6 million to develop a new "fast track model" for hearing wage theft cases in the State's Magistrates' Court.

HR consultancies spark re-think on WFH flexibilities

Requests by two HR consultancies to extend coronavirus-driven award variations providing more flexibility to work from home have prompted the FWC to expand the window for submissions on its provisional view that the measures should be wound up.

Company's $40m FEG claim under microscope

The Attorney-General's Department is examining the implications of a corporate restructuring last year which saw the taxpayer-funded Fair Entitlements Guarantee liable for about $40 million in employee entitlement claims.