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Lyme disease claim no basis to reject masks, says ABC

The ABC says it is refusing to roster a make-up artist who claims she cannot wear a mask due to Lyme disease, because her insistence on instead donning a face shield puts presenters at risk and it does not accept her actions are the manifestation of a disability.

Irish code to address "always on call" working culture

As COVID-19 amplifies pressure for workers to have greater rights to "disconnect" outside of working hours, the Irish Government has asked its Workplace Relations Commission to develop a code of practice to promote the practice.

"Glaring holes" in joint proposal to tackle casualisation: RAFFWU

RAFFWU expects to oppose a "disastrous" joint union and Master Grocers Australia proposal to let part-time retail workers put in more hours without earning overtime, but the ACTU says it will help them lock in increased hours while combating surging casualisation.

Hard to stomach, but BHP worker's sacking not harsh: FWC

BHP did not respond harshly when it dismissed a Thailand-based train driver for making a brief call about a worrying health matter while he travelled slowly along a remote Pilbara line, the FWC has ruled.

Workers' comp "joke" no basis for sacking: Tribunal

The FWC has lambasted an employer over the "unconscionable" sacking of a casual who said he was just joking about making a workers' compensation claim after a COVID-19 related standdown, ordering compensation equal to 24 weeks of JobKeeper.

Private sector pay rebounds as public sphere rises reined in: ABS

Further evidence of the green shoots of a recovery has been provided with today's release of ABS data showing that private sector pay rates excluding bonuses increased by 0.7% seasonally adjusted and 0.5% in original terms in the December quarter.

IR Bill progresses to Senate

The Morrison Government's contentious Omnibus IR Bill has moved to the Senate after a day of increasingly splenetic exchanges between Coalition and ALP members, one independent describing the legislation as a "pathetic" example of supposed compromise.

No sweeping power to require anti-COVID jabs: Porter

The "overwhelming majority" of employers should assume they have no power to force employees to vaccinate against COVID-19, IR Minister Christian Porter said today as his agencies issued new advice on workplace inoculations.

Casual sacked after forced choice between employers: FWC

A casual cook has been cleared to contest her dismissal after the FWC found she was caught between the competing interests of two workplaces in responding to the Victorian Government's single employer directive at the height of that State's COVID-19 outbreak.

IR Bill's impact on recovery "probably negative", says expert

The Morrison Government's IR Omnibus Bill is likely to have a minimal, "probably negative" impact on Australia's economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, a leading employment relations scholar has warned.