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Bill will further suppress historically-low pay growth: Submission

Ahead of its appearance today before the Senate inquiry into the Omnibus IR Bill, the Centre for Future Work has warned that as Australia experiences an unprecedented period of low pay growth, the legislation's changes "will exert additional downward pressure".

Omnibus IR Bill "a deeply flawed initiative": Academics

The Morrison Government's plan to allow the FWC to approve agreements that fail the BOOT to help employers hit by the coronanvirus would "tear a gaping hole" in the award safety net, according to a group of leading labour law experts.

Umpire cautions Canberra against agreement deadlines

The FWC has warned the Morrison Government that its legislative plan to set a 21-day deadline for approval of enterprise agreements is "unnecessary and will have unintended consequences that are contrary to the interests of the bargaining parties".

Tribunal finds fault with major builder's HR processes

The FWC has upbraided construction company Hansen Yuncken for its "callous" and unfair sacking of a "naïve" trainee who nonetheless provided it with a valid reason by insisting on indefinite unpaid leave to avoid lengthy public transport commutes during COVID-19.

WA tells Canberra to scrap BOOT change; Victoria laments lost opportunity

Ahead of hearings in Townsville on Monday into the Omnibus Bill, Victoria's Andrews Government has described the legislation as a "lost opportunity", while WA's McGowan Government has urged the Morrison Government to abandon its provision to permit approval of short-term substandard agreements.

Telstra hangs-up on zombie AWAs

Telstra says it will ask the FWC to terminate thousands of Howard-era AWAs and shift those employees to its enterprise agreement.

Umpire endorses sacking of casual JobKeeper recipient

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a casual on-hire food and beverage attendant who did not accept any shifts while receiving JobKeeper payments that significantly increased his income, noting he lacked an incentive to work.

HR manager subjected to musical chairs before sacking: Claim

An HR manager is suing a biotechnology company for humiliating high-rotation desk moves and allegedly hiring a superior for her to report to as a "contrivance" to make her role redundant after she raised pandemic-related OHS and JobKeeper issues.

RBA predicts long wage pause; Analysis says Bill won't help

The RBA is warning that wage growth won't be "materially higher" for at least three years, while Centre for Future Work analysis suggests that the proposed Omnibus Bill provision permitting approval of BOOT-failing agreements will further hamper any recovery in pay rises.