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Firies entitled to compensation for additional hours: Bench

A FWC full bench has hosed down a commissioner's allegation that a failure to provide a worker 14 hours of "leisure time" bordered on "wage theft", but has upheld his finding that the worker should have received the additional leave.

Outlaw AI hiring, firing: Unions

Unions are seeking a "total ban" on using AI to hire, fire, discipline or promote workers, along with an "AI tax", in submissions to a Senate inquiry accusing employers of introducing the technology without consultation and deploying it to police productivity.

Warning on risks of AI-aided HR and recruitment tools

Artificial intelligence HR and hiring tools pose "significant risks" for workplaces, according to an equality law expert who is calling for an enforceable positive duty on employers, while a recruitment body has told a Senate inquiry there should be an industry standard.

Criticising bosses on chat group a sackable offence: FWC

A supervisor's criticism of management in a social media group chat that "incit[ed] a negative and combative environment among the team", along with performance issues, provided a valid basis for dismissing her, the FWC has found.

FWC reflects on "window of currency" for valid sacking reasons

In a decision assessing how long a valid reason remains "current", the FWC has overlooked serious procedural deficiencies to back a landscaping business's summary sacking of a gardener almost two months after he called a colleague a "fat exploiter of foreigners".

Big penalty after employer's threats to kill workers' families

A massage business and its director must pay more than $2 million in fines and compensation after significantly short-changing temporary visa workers, subjecting them to a "cashback" scheme and threatening to kill their families if they blew the whistle.

Hairdresser's two-year restraint too long: Court

A court has found a low-paid casual hairdresser's two-year restraint on poaching clients "void and unenforceable" because it is "significantly longer" than necessary to protect her former employer's legitimate business interests, taking into account the absence of compensation for the non-compete clause and the nature of client relationships.