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Coles free to bargain in separate aisles: FWC

A paid bargaining agent has failed to force Coles to give him a seat at the bargaining table with the UWU, after the FWC rejected his bid for a bargaining order, finding the Act doesn't require a single bargaining unit and that the supermarket giant provided "clear and sensible" reasons for separate negotiations.

Fair for self-medicating nurse to pay price: Umpire

Queensland's IRC has upheld the State health department's decision to demote and impose a significant pay cut on a nurse accused of stealing and self-administering drugs valued at $3 to treat a headache during a busy shift at a rural hospital.

FWC urges Rio to probe s-xual harassment allegation

After a wave of s-xual harassment and assault coming to light at remote mine sites, the FWC has told Rio Tinto it should conduct a "proper" investigation of what appears to be s-xual harassment of a former employee almost five years ago, but has ruled it has no power to make anti-harassment orders because he is no longer working for the resources giant.

Bench clears way for $1M unlawful sacking damages claim

Sydney Water has failed to quash a FWC finding that clears the way for a former employee whose image was used in a suggestive OHS poster to pursue more than $1 million in damages on the basis its botched response forced her to resign.

Communication of sacking can't be outsourced to cops: FWC

The FWC has cleared the way for a worker accused of "disruptive menace" and assaulting the chief executive to pursue a general protections claim against his former employer, holding it could not delegate to police the task of telling him he had been sacked.

Sacked for refusing assessment, not for complaining: Court

A court has thrown out an adverse action case pursued by an Aldi truck driver sacked for refusing a psychological assessment, noting he might have been better off making an unfair dismissal claim.

Reinstatement for driver told to "f*** off Karen"

The FWC has reinstated a Gold Coast bus driver who ejected a passenger for telling her to "F-ck off Karen" after she implored him to wear his face mask properly, finding also that making a call on her smart watch did not breach the employer's mobile phone policy.