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Court halts "discriminatory" Qantas pilot retirement

A Qantas international captain, in a case with some echoes of the landmark Christie case, has won an interim injunction to restrain what he claims is a discriminatory decision to dismiss him because he has turned 65 and can't meet his job's inherent requirements.

Fair to sack worker who refused flu vax: FWC

In a significant decision acknowledging the "scarce" guidance on compulsory workplace COVID-19 vaccinations, the FWC has upheld a big employer's dismissal of a childcare worker for refusing to take a free flu shot.

Cross-claim alleges misappropriation by chief executive

A company facing unpaid entitlements claims from its former chief executive and chief financial officer has lodged counterclaims seeking repayment of hundreds of thousands of dollars in alleged unauthorised expenses claims.

ACTU-led coalition pushes for harassment change

Unions and gender equality activists will push the Morrison Government to move quickly to introduce legal obligations for employers to prevent sexual harassment and assault at work.

"Sound reasons" for imposing PIP on worker: FWC

The FWC has thrown out a general protections application brought by a Roy Hill warehouse worker who claimed the mining giant used unreasonable performance plans to break him and force his resignation after he declined a settlement offer.

Morrison Government responds to Respect@Work

The Morrison Government says it has adopted the 55 recommendations "wholly, in part, or in principle" in Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark report on sexual harassment.

Backpayments for early-starting working mother

A tribunal has ordered the ACT Government to re-credit more than 200 hours of personal leave to a worker who accused it of discriminating against her on the basis of her parenting responsibilities by refusing to let her start work before 7.30am.

Landmark deal provides "right to disconnect"

Victorian police officers have won a ground-breaking "right to disconnect" clause in their enterprise deal that relieves them of a duty to respond to emails or telephone calls outside their effective working hours.

FWC shoots down COVID-19 "one employer policy"

The FWC has shot down an aged care home's "one employer policy" introduced in the chaotic early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, ordering it to re-engage a part-time musical therapist jettisoned after she continued to work at three other facilities.

Partner's "thuggish" texts didn't warrant sacking: FWC

A barrage of "thuggish" texts sent by the partner of a worker alleging harassment and bullying did not justify her dismissal, the FWC has found, describing the employer's attempt to vacuum-seal its investigation of her claims as both unreasonable and unrealistic.