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Deloitte partner puts age discrimination laws to the test

A Deloitte auditor has told a court that the company did not reveal an alleged policy requiring partners to retire after turning 62 when it in 2014 "induced" him to leave a secure position at the age of 58.

Study reveals horticulture's slim pickings

A new McKell Institute report recommends that the Morrison Government implement a national labour-hire licensing scheme, remove entry barriers to enable inspections by unions and redesign the visa system to curb widespread exploitation and wage theft in fruit-picking.

Virgin goes direct to pilots, after union talks fail

Virgin Australia will unilaterally seek support from its flight crew for a new enterprise deal, after failing to secure backing from its two pilot unions, while agreements for the remainder of the workforce have received the blessing of unions as the best they could achieve to get the relaunched airline back aloft.

Resources giant accused of "retaliatory" adverse action

A Chevron supply chain manager sacked after the discovery of explicit images on his mobile phone has denied any knowledge of them and accused it of retaliatory adverse action prompted by his workplace complaints.

Bench upholds dismissal, but corrects member's findings

An FWC senior member who considered a bus driver's submissions on procedural fairness to be "unduly pernickety" wrongly found he was properly notified and had a chance to respond, but a full bench has upheld his sacking.

Pay pause for most at Virgin 2.0

A majority of workers at the revamped Virgin Australia have agreed to a pay freeze for up to two years under new enterprise agreements negotiated between aviation unions and the airline's management.

SDA lashes Aldi over hasty new deal

The SDA has accused Aldi of rushing through replacement deals before current ones nominally expire in order to weaken workers' negotiating position and avoid protected action, after the FWC approved a new regional agreement barely a year into the existing instrument.

"Madness" of undisclosed IP issue scuttles CEO's case

A former chief executive's admission that it was "madness" not to have told investors he did not have outright ownership of the app at the heart of the business has put paid to his attempt to sue over alleged adverse action and oppression.

FWC's arbitral powers not altered by side deals: Court

The Federal Court has held that a deal struck outside of an enterprise agreement cannot alter the FWC's jurisdiction to arbitrate, and nor do workers need to re-start dispute processes when a new agreement is approved.

Dishonesty valid reason for delegate's dismissal

After the FWC reinstated one of two truck driver TWU delegates involved in a punch-up, it has now upheld Toll's dismissal of the second driver because he lied during its investigation – a reason not relied on by the employer.