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Deal approved despite union's concern over undertakings

In a decision clarifying the extent to which employers can address shortcomings in order to finalise an agreement already voted on, the FWC has approved a black coal deal opposed by the CFMMEU after accepting it would not be "substantially" changed by 14 undertakings.

Tardy underpayment claim foiled by new deal

A worker's tardy pursuit of claimed underpayments under an old agreement has failed, the FWC agreeing with the employer that it lacked jurisdiction once a new deal was approved.

Casual worker questions see big employer granted legal assistance

A large employer has for the second time in a year successfully argued that disposition of a matter before the FWC would be best served by it being permitted to engage an external lawyer to argue against a self-represented worker, given its admitted lack of expertise in IR matters.

Adverse action claim targets Qantas bonus scheme

The ACTU, acting on behalf of seven aviation unions, will today file an adverse action case against Qantas for making the payment of a cash bonus of up to $2,000 contingent on securing new post-wage-freeze enterprise agreements. 

FWO abandons Foodora pursuit

A fortnight after deciding not to take compliance action against Uber, the FWO has dropped its Federal Court action against Foodora on the basis it would be "highly unlikely" to garner additional payments for its former workforce or penalties against the company.

School justified in sacking "extravagant" management family: FWC

The FWC has thrown out the unfair dismissal claims of a family accused of running a private school like they owned it and improperly spending more than $1 million on overseas trips, loan repayments and cash payouts while granting themselves substantial "back pay" and bonuses.

Make disciplinary process more consistent, FWC urges

In ordering the reinstatement of an "impatient" veteran crane operator sacked after his third safety breach in a year, an FWC member has examined BlueScope Steel's "proactive attitude" to discipline and recommended it negotiate a better process.