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Member's shortcut took the wrong course: Bench

A senior FWC member must reconsider an employer's jurisdictional objections to an unfair dismissal application in the correct sequence after a full bench found she leapfrogged several steps the first time around.

Deal's nominal expiry date the wrong marker: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has thwarted a multinational company's attempt to end to a 30-year practice of maintenance workers banking two hours' leave a week in lieu of pay rises, finding a member wrongly concluded the arrangement could be changed when its agreement reached its nominal expiry date.

Judge shaves funder's share of $20M class action settlement

A judge has drawn a firm distinction between employment and commercial class actions in slashing almost $2 million from a litigation funder's share of a $20 million settlement resolving "sham contracting" allegations.

FWC backs supervisor's sacking for role in boozy lunch

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a supervisor summarily dismissed for disobeying a reasonable direction when he allowed his team to drink alcohol while celebrating the completion of a major project.

Union seeking to reverse crucial entry rights ruling

The ETU has confirmed that it will challenge a Federal Court ruling that "neuters" unions' rights to enter workplaces to organise workers through a restrictive interpretation of provisions allowing access for "discussions" with employees.

Transfer distances company from fraudulent, corrupt past

The FWC has approved a company's transfer of employees to a newly purchased entity, to remove any connection to an associated entity embroiled in fraud and corruption and the risk of "brand damage".

Court curbs union entry rights

Union officials can't use their right to enter premises for discussions with members to gather signatures on petitions or "secure a commitment to a particular course of action in the future", the Federal Court has found, ruling in favour of an employer that blocked access for an organiser who sought workers' backing for a majority support determination.

ABC employees considering PIA after rejecting offer

ABC employees' almost three-quarters majority rejection of a deal unilaterally offered by the public broadcaster edges them closer to ending a "business model of overwork, underpay and inequality", according to the MEAA, which together with the CPSU is seeking almost twice the organisation's 9.5% proposal.

FWC member stands aside from hearing vax dispute

A FWC commissioner has recused himself from hearing a vax-hesitant university worker's dispute after accepting that views he expressed during unsuccessful conciliation raised doubts about his impartiality.