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Older workers stuck in low-paid jobs: Report

An FWC-commissioned study probing the characteristics of low-paid award-reliant workers and their propensity to move to a better paying job has suggested that policymakers need to focus on helping older, less-educated employees to obtain higher incomes.

Gig work battle should harness "uncommitted 64%", says paper

Activists seeking to improve the pay and conditions of gig workers could potentially target the two-thirds of the public yet to use digital platforms, who have less favourable views than users, according to new university analysis that seeks to take consumers out of the "back seat".

"Neutered" unions unable to propel wage growth: Academic

Tracing a trajectory between the 1998 waterfront dispute and today's "neutering" of union power, an IR academic has outlined how the nation might rebalance the IR system to allow workers to effectively agitate for higher wages.

Drop in private sector pay growth: ABS

Growth in private sector rates of pay excluding bonuses has dropped to 2.2% a year, after being locked at 2.3% for 12 months, according to ABS data released today.

Give us the money or labour stats suffer: ABS

The head of the ABS has warned that statistics on the labour market, the economy and population will be at risk if the agency is hit with more funding cuts.

Private sector pay growth steady at 2.3% a year

Growth in private sector rates of pay excluding bonuses is increasing at 2.3% a year, unchanged from the annual rise recorded in the previous two quarters, according to ABS data released today.

Call to "lift up" the vulnerable as automation advances

As a global robotics report warns that the main occupations production workers are moving to are among the most vulnerable to automation, an Australian academic is urging the adoption of policies to ensure disadvantaged workers are not left behind.

Gig workers unaware of their rate of pay: Survey

Most workers on digital platforms are paid per task or job and 40% do not know what they earn per hour, according to Australia's largest national published survey of on-demand work.

Pay rises increase gap on inflation: ABS

Annual growth in private sector rates of pay excluding bonuses has hit a four-year high for the second successive quarter, rising 2.4% to March, according to ABS data released today.