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Union density meets pandemic cliff: ABS

Union density has dropped significantly from 14.3% to 12.5% over the past two years and almost 10 percentage points a decade for the past 30 years, according to ABS data released today.

Firm 38-hour cap would boost gender equality: Research

University researchers have told the Senate's work and care inquiry that long working hours are now the main driver of the gender pay gap and recommend capping the working week at 38 hours as a step towards gender equality.

Private sector pay increasing by 3.4% a year: ABS

Private sector rates of pay increased to 3.4% annually in the September quarter, up from 2.7% in the previous three-month period, according to the ABS, but aneamic public sector rises have restricted the economy-wide rise to 3.1%.

Court dismisses late harassment claim against cricketers

The Federal Court has refused an extension of almost three years for a former Cricket Tasmania receptionist to pursue allegations that former Australian test cricket captain Tim PaineĀ and other Cricket Tasmania employees s-xually harassed her between 2015 and 2017.

Inflation highest since 1990: ABS

Consumer price inflation has recorded its biggest increase in 32 years, rising to 7.3% annually in the September quarter.

Investigate right to disconnect, inquiry recommends

The Senate Work and Care inquiry's Labor and Greens majority is urging the Albanese Government to move swiftly to consider a right to disconnect, make flexibility requests an enforceable right and provide "roster justice" by ensuring workers with variable hours have predictability and certainty, in a 152-page interim report tabled this afternoon.

First FWC "real-time" data shows agreement wages rising 3%

The FWC's new leading indicator of bargained wage rises - officially launched today - shows that deals lodged in the first half of last month paid an average increase of 3%, up on those in the most recent DEWR data.

Wage-price spiral risk "quite low": RBA report

The risk of Australia experiencing a wage-price spiral is "quite low" thanks in part to the diminished "pricing power" of workers and the central bank's focus on inflation targets, a new RBA report asserts.

Curb employer wage-setting power: OECD

Teleworking, retraining and enhanced collective bargaining could lift pay growth that has been constrained by Australia's relatively "monopsonistic" labour market that gives a few dominant employers the upper hand in wage-setting, according to the OECD.