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Reasons for court's six-year delay to remain a "mystery"

Lawyers for a Boral worker who waited six years for a decision in her sexual harassment case say reasons for the delay will have to "remain a mystery" after the Information Commissioner affirmed the rejection of her FOI request.

AAT fires another shot at FEG scheme "inequity"

A senior tribunal member has expressed exasperation over legislators' continued failure to address shortcomings in the Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme after being forced to hand down an "unfair and unjust" decision denying two workers almost $70,000 in redundancy entitlements due to a liquidator's actions.

Union leery of Telstra restructure's effect on new deals

The CEPU's communication division has warned members that Telstra wants separate enterprise agreements covering new entities being created through a corporate restructure, arguing it is "critical" that existing pay and conditions are preserved.

FWC rebuffs CBA bid for external legal representation

The FWC has refused to permit the Commonwealth Bank to bring in external lawyers to help it defend an unrepresented worker's unfair dismissal claim, despite the bank claiming its team of eight in-house employment solicitors are either unavailable or lacking recent experience.

Big Uber Eats payout to resolve delivery rider case: TWU

Uber Eats paid out an "incredible" $400,000 to settle proceedings brought by a food delivery rider in the full Federal Court late last year before the hearing concluded, a Senate inquiry heard today.

Social media role no route to higher post: FWC

A call centre worker required to interact overnight with Westpac customers via its social media accounts has failed to convince the FWC his new duties should have bumped him up to a higher classification.

Police officer's sacking for alleged exposure rightly reversed: Court

Victoria Police has lost its bid to sack an officer for "disgraceful conduct" in allegedly exposing himself to a day spa therapist while getting his groin waxed, the State's Court of Appeal this month holding its review board rightly set the dismissal decision aside.