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No recusal for judge accused of "ill-will" towards sacked teacher

A judge accused of banging the bench and unreasonably dragging out a case involving a dismissed teacher has refused to recuse himself on the basis of apprehended bias, finding that the transcript and an "alarmingly small" range of available hearing dates pointed to a vastly different interpretation of events.

Chip flavour dismissal leaves bad taste

The FWC has ordered a manufacturer to compensate a food technologist sacked without warning after she rejected its recipes for chip flavourings.

Transgender leave included in new Westpac deal

Westpac employees undergoing gender transition will receive up to four weeks' paid leave as part of the bank's ground-breaking new three-year enterprise agreement.

Builders wanted day's warning of safety checks, says union

The CFMMEU is taking a building company to court for allegedly requiring 24 hours' written notice for permit holders wanting to investigate suspected safety breaches at a WA construction site unless the union sent someone qualified to carry out testing.

Lawyer's "selective" excerpts cruel recusal application

A judge in declining to recuse himself from hearing a dismissal case has taken a young self-represented lawyer to task for his "selective" transcription of a court hearing to argue bias.

Godfreys employees sucking up inferior pay: FWC

The FWC has agreed to terminate an agreement covering workers at Godfreys appliance stores after hearing evidence that some pay rates had not increased since 2011.

Workers still confused about general protections claims: FWC

A senior FWC member has highlighted continuing difficulties faced by unrepresented applicants in distinguishing between the unfair dismissal and general protections jurisdictions, allowing a casual worker's claim to proceed despite him filing it a week late.

Unions pursue national IR manager over alleged underpayments

Three unions have won court approval to argue that the IR manager of a major service provider should be held accessorially liable for alleged underpayment of workers at Esso's onshore and offshore Bass Strait sites.